About Us « Regina Trades & Skills Centre

Mission & Vision


To provide demand led industry training


To be the #1 choice in demand led industry training

Who We Are

With good entry level skilled labourers being in demand due to retirements and labour shortages, the demand for new workers is growing. Yet, most employers don't have the time or resources to recruit or train new staff themselves. Programs at the larger technical institutes can be lengthy or financially out of reach. In the case of apprenticeship, a job in the trades is required before you can be indentured.

So, how do employers find qualified people and how do YOU get your boot in the door? RTSC, of course!

The Regina Trades & Skills Centre was established as a not-for-profit with two main goals:

  1. Deliver short-term trades and skills training that leads to entry-level jobs in industries where workers are in high demand.
  2. Work with industry to develop and deliver relevant and recognized programs that are responsive to industry needs for trained and skilled workers.

Regina Trades and Skills Centre courses are taught by experienced tradespeople. Our course offerings change throughout the year and stay attuned to the demands of the labour market. All RTSC courses include:

  1. Specific occupational training, both practical and theoretical.
  2. Training in Occupational Health and Safety and Workplace Essential Skills.
  3. Program Coordinators work with employers to link them with course participants prior to the completion of training.

Regina Trades & Skills Centre is succeeding! RTSC grads are getting jobs, many are going on to apprenticeship and feedback from employers is positive.

testimonial background

"It was an amazing experience, I loved the way they do everything. It is so well organized and put together. This is a great learning curve for people with zero to no experience. I loved the course, overall it was the best experience I've had learning since I was a child. I would strongly recommend taking the courses offered by RTSC. It's free, they pay you and pay for all the certifications required for your job placement at the end. I rate the experience at RTSC 10/10."

Darcy D Commercial Concrete

"It is a very good program in that it helps you to gain entry into the industry. You are basically given the expectations and sent on your way which is good. The skills are not so much what you can do. You are drilled on the four pillars so you can get a job and keep it. As you stay in the job your skill development."

Verdayne S Steel Studs & Drywall

"Overall, I would recommend this program to anyone wanting to get a trade; especially if you don't know where to start or how to go about it. This course will provide oneself with the basic fundamental trades & skills that one needs to start their career, build their confidence, learn the hard skills and gain the ability to grasp the concepts. I would definitely recommend RTSC to anyone who wants a trade."

Christopher L Painting

I just wanted to reach out & send a huge thank you to all. Since being in the childcare class back in 2021, I have completed my level TWO, And actively taking my level 3 classes to complete my diploma, I am still at the centre I did my work placement at and was promoted to supervisor last week. So, thanks again RTSC!

Alanna Child Care Educator

The pillars of success we learned at the RTSC are being noticed by my employer, and I have been rewarded for following them. At the end of my three month probation period, the Superintendent at the site I am currently working on wanted to increase my wage to $25/hour. We are working mostly 10 hour days with the odd 8 here and there, and I have been back on the site on weekends to refuel and maintain heaters for concrete on weekends. I absolutely love my job and could not be happier with the results of my work placement from RTSC. I will be starting my first year schooling on the way to journeyman as soon as I have accumulated enough hours. Thank you RTSC!

Kaleb H Carpentry

We need these types of programs expanded. There is a shortage of trades people entering the work force, and providing a basic crash course to learn some basics creates workers that are able to enter the trade with an elevated level of productivity. Alliance has people on staff that got their start through the program, and I see it as a quality organization to recruit from.

John A - Alliance Energy Electrical